
ORANGES TREES AND THE SEA.. (no. 19/2013). Author – Renata Domagalska. Year 2013. Media – acrylic on canvas. Size 30×30 cm.

I want you to close your eyes for a moment and consider how fortunate you are to live an era when an endless stream of beautiful artwork is never more than a few clicks away. Think about the past and how, for most of human history, you would have needed to visit a number of the world’s museums (if they even existed), in order to see even a fraction of the work you can see today. Now open your eyes, and feast them on the work of Renata Domagalska.

A Polish painter, currently living in Spain, Renata’s vibrant colors and bold brush strokes evoke a sense of motion and playfulness, even when the scenes he depicts are those mundane things you might see on the street any day of the week. In his capable hands, they are far from mundane. He does not shy away from the heavy use of reds in many of his pieces, and this flair engages the viewer, bringing you into the scene where you can interact with his subjects – most of whom also welcome you with large toothy smiles.

Overall, his work is fun and engaging, and creates a distinct window into the world and the people who inhabit it.


Women`s City (no. 27/2011) by Renata Domagalska. Year 2011. Acrylic rough sketch painting on a canvas. Size 50×50 cm.

You can find, and purchase, his work at his personal site. You can also follow his work through his DeviantArt page. You can also follow him on his Facebook page.

About Author: Jeremy Kerns
Jeremy Kerns is the mastermind behind TIMID Studios, Mellow Migrations, HipstrStash and others. He writes, makes films, draws comics and searches the world for dead pixels to prove the simulation theory. You can also find his creations on Etsy at and Redbubble at